Francis Fukuyama Reading Series: After the End of History
The political and cultural developments of the twenty-first century — including the rise of populist movements in the West, the growing threat from challengers to the Western liberal order, and fresh military conflicts on the borders of the free world — have repeatedly brought many advocates and critics alike back to Francis Fukuyama’s 1992 book The End of History and the Last Man. This study group will bring together AHS chapter officers and members from across the country to explore Fukuyama’s landmark work with an eye to political liberalism as well as the “crisis of liberalism” which Fukuyama himself predicted and sought to address.
This study group will face such questions as: What is liberalism? Why prefer liberalism rather than another political system? What are some of the prominent strengths — and weaknesses — of the Western liberal order? Why is liberalism being questioned today? What is the relationship of liberalism to Western statecraft?
This reading group, led by AHS academic programs assistant Connor Cowman, will focus on selections from The End of History and the Last Man which will enable participants to interrogate these questions in an open, discussion-based format. Those selected will receive complimentary copies of the book.
The sessions will take place 5:30-6:45pm on the following Wednesdays: June 5, July 3, and July 17. Food and drinks will be provided.
The application cycle for Summer 2024 is now closed.
Session I: inventing political freedom
Date: Wednesday, June 5
Required: Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, Introduction and Part I (“An Old Question Asked Anew”).
Recommended: Fukuyama, Liberalism and Its Discontents, Chapter 1 (“What is Classical Liberalism?”).
SESSION 2: The Struggle for recognition
Date: Wednesday, July 3
Required: Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, Part III (“The Struggle for Recognition”).
Recommended: Fukuyama, “Reflections on the End of History, Five Years Later.”
SESSION 3: The last man and the crisis of liberalism
Date: Wednesday, July 17
Required: Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man, Part V (“The Last Man”).
Fukuyama, Liberalism and Its Discontents, Chapter 5 (“Liberalism Turns On Itself”) and Chapter 8 (“Are There Alternatives?”).
Nathan Pinkoski, “Fukuyama v. Fukuyama,” in First Things.
Recommended: Patrick Deneen, Why Liberalism Failed, Introduction (“The End of Liberalism”).
“Is Liberalism Worth Saving?” Harper’s Magazine panel discussion featuring Fukuyama, Deneen, West, and McCloskey.
Blake Smith, “The Secret Postmodern Radicalism of Francis Fukuyama,” in Foreign Policy.