Student Leadership Conference
2022 Student Leadership Conference
Registration for this year’s Student Leadership Conference (SLC) is open! The conference, held in Washington DC, will begin on the evening of Thursday, July 31 and conclude midday on Sunday, August 3. As our annual landmark in student programming, SLC features educational, professional, and chapter development sessions for AHS student leaders.
During the conference, you will have unique opportunities to engage with practitioners shaping U.S. foreign policy and national security today; advance your career goals at a career fair; and, through interactive workshops, learn to master the leadership and team-building skills essential to running a successful chapter. Best of all, you will spend the conference getting to know fellow AHS student leaders from our chapters nationwide. Last year's conference schedule, as a sample, is available here.
The conference will open on Thursday with a career fair and opening reception, which any chapter member in DC is welcome to take part in, including those who are not attending the rest of the conference. Two officers per chapter will have the opportunity to attend the full SLC program with AHS-provided lodging and fully reimbursed travel, as well as complimentary meals and activities. Incoming chapter presidents are required to attend, and it is their responsibility to select which other officer from their chapter will receive travel reimbursement and be provided with lodging by the AHS National Office. If you are a chapter president and have a conflicting commitment, please let Connor know at
Registration is now open! The deadline is June 13.
The conference schedules from previous years are available below:
“The AHS Student Leadership Conference was a unique opportunity to learn from other chapter officers, hear about issues central to national security and foreign policy, and meet leaders in government, military, and the private sector.””