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Virtual Book Talk: 'America in the World', Robert Zoellick

AHS is excited to host Robert Zoellick, former President of the World Bank and Deputy Secretary of State, for a conversation on his recent book 'America in the World: A History of U.S. Diplomacy and Foreign Policy.'

In this book, Zoellick identifies five traditions that have emerged from America's encounters with the world: the importance of North America; the special roles trading, transnational, and technological relations play in defining ties with others; changing attitudes toward alliances and ways of ordering connections among states; the need for public support, especially through Congress; and the belief that American policy should serve a larger purpose. These traditions frame a closing review of post-Cold War presidencies, which Zoellick foresees serving as guideposts for the future.

The first 30 AHS officer registrants will receive complimentary copies.

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