AHS is Now Hiring Fall 2018 Interns!

The Alexander Hamilton Society (AHS) is seeking full-time and part-time interns to work at the national office in Washington, D.C during the fall 2018 semester. AHS interns would assist in planning and executing chapter programming and national events. They will help manage the AHS national database, and support AHS’s website, social media outreach…

Announcing AHS Summer Fellows

The Alexander Hamilton Society Summer Fellowship provides grants to AHS students pursuing unpaid internships in Washington, D.C. in the fields of foreign policy, national security, and economic statecraft. The fellowship underwrites and encourages students to pursue their professional interests in line with the mission and goals of the Alexander Hamilton Society…

Inaugural National Institute

The Alexander Hamilton Society (AHS) is excited to announce the launch of the inaugural Alexander Hamilton Society National Institute! This one-week seminar-style course will take place June 3rd through June 10th, 2018 in Washington, D.C. and will explore the foundational framework of Hamiltonian studies. Comprising of two classroom sessions per day with leading AHS faculty, the National Institute will educate students in the first principles…

Reagan National Defense Forum 2017

In a exclusive partnership, the Hamilton Society sponsors a delegation of AHS chapter officers to attend the Reagan National Defense Forum (RNDF) held at the Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California. The RNDF has become the nation's premier gathering of defense professionals and a unique opportunity for Hamilton students to be exposed to critical issues to the nation's security…

Johns Hopkins AHS's Debate

Johns Hopkins AHS's Debate

The debate focused on an important and salient question of today's national security policy makers: "Should the U.S. Modernize its Nuclear Arsenal". The debate featured Dr. Matthew Kroenig from Georgetown University and the Atlantic Council and Dr. Daniel Deudney from Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Steven David was the moderator and did an excellent job pushing both speakers on their positions. 

You can check out the article from the Johns Hopkins Newsletter here!