Frequently Asked Questions for Chapter Speaker Event Planning
Q: Where can I find information on AHS speakers, event planning, and event policies?
A: Go to the AHS Officer Resources page of our website (password: AHS20242025) for guidance on how to select speakers, design topics, publicize your events, and submit necessary forms.
Q: How many speaker events should a chapter organize in a semester?
A: We encourage chapters to host two speaker events per semester, but are happy to consider proposals for a third speaker event. We also understand that it might only be possible for new chapters to organize a single event.
Q: How far in advance do I need to plan my speaker event?
A: You should submit your Speaker Request Form on the AHS website at least six weeks before the date you would like your event to be held on. But don’t feel the need to wait! It is actually better to submit the form as soon as you have it ready.
Q: What expenses does AHS cover relating to speaker events?
A: We directly cover your visiting speaker’s expenses. (Note: This applies only to AHS speakers unless otherwise said.) We are also able to reimburse your catering and advertising costs, as well as dinner with your speaker. Read our Funding Guidelines for more information.
Q: Can I invite non-AHS speakers to my campus for an event?
A: We consider this on a case-by-case basis, so please let us know who you wish to invite before you contact them. In most cases, however, we will approve such an invitation. Just be aware that we do not give non-AHS speakers honorariums, and we do not reimburse their travel and lodging expenses unless otherwise stated.
Q: What role do local faculty members play in speaker events?
A: You can invite local faculty members to moderate a conversation with your visiting AHS speaker, debate the speaker on a topic they disagree on, or participate in a panel with the AHS speaker in which the moderator asks both panelists to respond to questions.
Q: Should I wait to confirm a local faculty member’s participation in an event before submitting my Speaker Request Form?
A: No, it is more important to confirm the availability of the AHS speaker and then consider local faculty who are able to participate in the event.
Q: How do I increase student attendance at my chapter’s speaker events?
A: Take a comprehensive and flexible approach to advertising: promote your events on social media, print out flyers to hang up on campus, have your events included in academic department newsletters, ask professors to offer extra credit to students who attend your events, and don’t be afraid of trying new approaches if the old ones don’t seem to be working as well.
Q: How does AHS help with chapter advertising?
A: We reimburse up to $50 for advertising per speaker event and $300 for your open house events. You can allocate this for merchandise on our AHS Store and download our logos and informational flyers for printing here.
Q: Can I create a speaker event flyer without being an amateur graphic designer?
A: We hope so! Use Canva to easily develop quality designs for your speaker events.
Q: Is there a best approach to communicating with AHS speakers?
A: We encourage reviewing our Communication Best Practices sheet on how to correspond with your speaker as you plan your event. Most importantly, be prompt, polite, and clear in your communication, and don’t hesitate to contact Connor and Murray if you are uncertain whether and how to ask them something about your event.
Q: What steps should I take after Connor connects me with my speaker over email?
A: Follow up on the email within 24 hours to introduce yourself, thank your speaker for visiting your chapter, confirm the event date, and offer to be in touch with other details such as the start time, venue, directions to campus, event format, the name of your faculty moderator, and plans for dinner with the chapter’s executive board after the event.
Q: Who is allowed to attend dinner with my chapter’s speaker after the event?
A: We can reimburse the cost of dinner for your speaker, your faculty advisor, your chapter’s president, and four other members of your chapter’s executive board. If you wish to invite anyone else, please check with us before doing so.
Q: What steps do I take after the event ends?
A: Submit our Speaker Post Event Form. We cannot reimburse your expenses or award your chapter points until we have it. You may also like to email your speaker and local faculty participants for contributing to your event.
Q: Is there an example timeline showing when to complete important steps before my chapter’s speaker event?
A: We’re glad you asked! You can find it here.
Q: Can I work with other clubs on campus to organize AHS speaker events or participate in their programs?
A: Yes! We encourage it. Be sure to tell Connor if you plan to have another club to cosponsor your event or if you are participating in another club’s event. We ask that you refrain from participating in events that focus exclusively on domestic politics, and that you only collaborate with a club that is the branch of another national organization once per academic year.